Student Stories Book Proposal:

Build a book by Unbound students for Unbound students. Give students a reminder of who they
are and who they could become. Let it be the community introduction for new students through
personal stories written by current students and alumni.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Write your Unbound story and submit it here!

Here are some guidelines (as opposed to actual rules…)

  • Upload your document down below in a standard document format (pdf, doc, docx, etc). Please have it in Times New Roman 12 point font.
  • Submit 1-2 pages (if you’re selected, you’ll write out a full 8-10 pages, but you can just submit the first two for the contest entry).
  • Use your unique voice and energy. This isn’t a school assignment, this should be very conversational.
  • Please be as vulnerable as you are comfortable with a published book being. I am a huge believer that connection is built on authenticity.
  • Highlights to hit: An overview of your life before you joined Unbound. Was it an easy yes or an uneasy leap of faith? Explain, tell stories to illustrate why or why not. What things were different than you imagined them to be? What worked better than you thought? What is a lesson that changed you as a person? (You don’t necessarily have to hit all of these for these first two pages, just if you’re selected for the full project)

If you are an Alumni, all of the above, and:

  • How did Unbound impact your life path? How does the community still influence you today? Are there any words of wisdom for you would want to share with your Freshman self?
Looking forward to reading your submissions! Happy writing!

Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, odt, txt, Max. file size: 50 MB.

Deadline for the contest is November 4th