August 19th – December 13th, 2024 


by Unbound®

Equip your student to thrive by teaching them to own their purpose, make wise decisions, and discover their next steps.

I never realized that discovering what you want to do could be so non-stressful. I used to get stressed out about these things and I really didn't know how to find out what I wanted to do. This course helped me figure that out. I am so happy I was able to take this course."


Navigate Alumnus

Identify your next step
and move forward with confidence in your decisions!

Navigate isn’t your average life purpose course. We don’t promise you a flawless life plan. Rather, Navigate will provide you with a framework to handle the questions and decisions life throws at you with wisdom and discernment.

Navigate students learn how to answer questions like…

  • How do I figure out God’s will for my life?
  • How do I know what I should do after high school?
  • How do I handle too many interests – or not enough?
  • How do I get un-stuck and find motivation?

Check out the 60 second trailer👇

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Fast Facts

Navigate is a 16-week, online life course for students 14 years old and up that consists of recorded lectures, writing and reading assignments, and a written personal application project

The fall Navigate course will run August 19 – December 13th, 2024. Navigate is self-paced and hosted on Canvas.

Students can connect with fellow students through class discussion boards and reach their course instructor and facilitator via email.

Register Today



Meet Your Instructors & Facilitators

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JONATHAN BRUSH is the President and CEO of Unbound and one of the course instructors for Navigate. Jonathan is a homeschool graduate and a homeschool dad of six. He worked for nine years as a Director of Admissions for a private liberal arts college and has since worked in non-traditional higher education for over a decade.

Jonathan loves Unbound and Unbound students and dreams every single day about new ways to connect them to each other.

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VICTORIA SCHURTER is the Executive Director of Learning for Unbound and one of the course instructors for Navigate. The oldest of six, Victoria is passionate about equipping young adults to recognize their potential, to know God, and make Him known in daily life. One of the best parts of her world is walking alongside Unbound students as they make an eternal impact in their generation.

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KAITLYN BRUSH is an Academic Specialist for Unbound and a part of the Unbound TeenTrack convention team. On a daily basis, she gets to balance her love for behind-the-scenes operational work to keep Unbound’s programs running smoothly and her love for relational connection to help students craft the best educational experience for them.

Kaitlyn is passionate about good stories, strong community, and seeking beauty in all its forms. When she’s not spending time with Unbound students (or often when she is), you might find her sitting around a campfire, canoeing a river, hiking, traveling, or spending time with her family.

“Navigate gave me the proper tools/mindset to make the big decisions and answer life‘s big questions… Questions that I didn’t know how to answer before.”

-Jayden D., Navigate Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate is self-paced over 16 weeks. 

Yes. Navigate counts as .5 high school credits and can be included as an elective on a high school transcript.

No, Navigate is a non-accredited life purpose course.

Navigate is for any young adult seeking to discover their life purpose, learn more about who God created them to be, and gain an effective strategy for determining their next step. Whether you are pursuing college, a career, a trade, or just exploring right now, Navigate is designed to set you up to launch into whatever is next armed with an understanding of your purpose, God’s will for you life, and the ability to ask good questions. 

Navigate is very conducive to a busy student or graduate’s schedule and includes no more than 5 hours per week of content and  assignments. Your assignments will consist of reflection and application so you can take what you are learning and do something with it – not just write papers about it.

Yes! There are two live Q&A sessions during Navigate and both of your instructors as well as your course facilitator are available on a daily basis through the email.

Read What Students Have to Say about Navigate!

Navigate did impact me, and I'm happy to have had the opportunity to take this course. I am emerging from this class with the ability to navigate through life, its decisions, and its opportunities much easier and with much more wisdom. And not just general wisdom either. Wisdom that is personal to how God specifically designed me. That is such precious information, and I cannot thank Jonathan Brush, Victoria Grant, and the Unbound Team enough for making this info palatable and available to young adults."


Navigate Alumni

"This course is such a blessing to take. I know I can walk away from here, feeling more prepared to start navigating the unknown, without so much of the shrinking away that I felt before. I've seen it working already, and look forward to seeing it continue to work."


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate really helped me to see that I can change course in life as much as I want to. I do not have to do something I hate just because. In fact, I am foolish to make myself do something I do not enjoy. Our culture tells us we must decide what we are going to do in life and stick with it, but I was encouraged that I do not have to take that same route."


Navigate Alumnus

"Navigate has made decision-making in my life not just easier but more enjoyable and less stressful. Before I took Navigate, I would procrastinate decision-making and leave it to others to tell me what to do; after taking navigate, this has completely changed."


Navigate Alumni

It did! It has opened my eyes and changed how I approach things. I have a much better idea of how to make these decisions now. It has been such a good experience and I am so grateful that I took this course."


Navigate Alumnus

"Navigate helped me so much with being more confident in my decision making as well as helping me to create a schedule to follow."


Navigate Alumni

“Navigate made me feel content where I am, but also taught me to move forward. I have a whole new way to go after life and it has re-energized me forward after losing, or so I thought, all my energy in public college. I know how to navigate and it feels like I have the world ahead again."


Navigate Alumni

"Navigate definitely had an impact on me. Before Navigate, I felt anxious over the upcoming decisions I needed to make. I was under the impression that I needed to have it all figured out to set out on my journey. I no longer look at decisions in this way. Over the past semester I've been making decisions around finding schools and majors. I have visited many campuses and even began flying planes in order to discover where my interests lie. I've tried to implement Navigate's methods throughout all of these decisions, and this course's notion of not needing to commit to the first thing you try has brought me a lot more freedom in my decision-making and has helped me try WAY more things than I would have otherwise."


Navigate Alumnus

“Navigate has given me a focus over the last months, a good goal to work towards and a challenging one at times. It also prompted many great conversations with my parents and mentors, which deepened my relationships with them. I will definitely be thinking about and actively using the outlook and ideas taught in the course in my life for a long time."


Navigate Alumni

"I definitely enjoyed Navigate. It was a very encouraging and helpful course that took out the panic and overwhelming aspects of decision-making."


Navigate Alumnus

I never realized that discovering what you want to do could be so non-stressful. I used to get stressed out about these things and I really didn't know how to find out what I was attracted to or what I wanted to do, this course helped to figure that out. I am so happy I was able to take this course."


Navigate Alumnus

"Navigate showed me how important it is to move forward even if you are scared or don't know what to do because that's how you learn. And also how it's important to live with intentionality and to make sure you try to live by God's plan."


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate is extremely well done and worth taking regardless of the questions you have about life. I went into this course with many questions and worries, after it I had many helpful tools for life."


Navigate Alumni

Navigate was very impactful. I first went into this course with some apprehension. Many people today are eager to share career and life advice, but most advice has no practical steps or clear examples of being successful. But Navigate gives the most understandable and honest advice I've heard in a long time.


Navigate Alumnus

The Navigate course is something that I would say is mandatory for the success of anyone in the process of maturing into adulthood. Furthermore, I would recommend this to young and old who would like to improve their decision-making skills. The core principles of this course are so impactful, it completely changed the way I deal with decisions. For example, instead of dreading the outcomes of decisions, I now look forward to seeing the outcome. I can experiment, knowing that I will always come out better and with more knowledge and wisdom than before. To summarize, I feel freedom!"


Navigate Alumni

Navigate definitely impacted me! I love this community, and how open and honest everyone was about their life situations. Many of the things I learned were not at all lofty or ridiculously broad, but rather they were down-to-earth and practical for every type of person, young or old. I feel like now I know where I need to go from here, and I don't have to worry about being all alone in my questions."


Navigate Alumni

Navigate definitely impacted me this semester. It encouraged me to become more productive and take action. It taught me how to actually do something about the goals I have. It helped me figure out a future career path and answer some of my big questions."


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate helped me see that you can try things and use what you learn to help find something that fits what you like. You need to have a goal to use as a direction. At the same time, you can leave a goal but you must prepare a new goal beforehand. This as super freeing and lifted a huge weight from my shoulders. This was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone who feels that they do not have a direction in their life."


Navigate Alumni

I really enjoyed learning about the way to move forward in life and approaching the big questions. I loved looking at what skills and experiences I have already gone through in my story so far. Looking at my life as a story, I really appreciated that. My favorite module was #6 because we got to put into practice all the concepts we had learned and get challenged about how to live life in the best way! Thank you so much!"


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate impacted me by helping me consider my interests in order to help me realize what would be a good career for me personally, along with reminding me to trust God because He has a plan far greater for my life than I could ever dream up."


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate was helpful in easing my anxiety about the future, which is a lot coming from someone going into their senior year and getting pounded with questions on where I’m going next."


Navigate Alumnus

“[Navigate] gave me useful tools to help guide me through the decision-making process, it reminded me of important truths that are often shut out by our world today, and it showed me that there are so many other like-minded people who want to know how to pursue their passions well and in a God-honoring way."


Navigate Alumnus

[Navigate] impacted me very much; the future doesn't look as scary as it did before, and I feel like my mindset changed with every lesson."


Navigate Alumni

Navigate encouraged and equipped me to live life to the full now—not waiting for some day in the future. It gave me helpful tools for exploring my interests and having an 'attitude of mastery.'"


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate changed my mindset on the of timing for things, such as, when you make your most impact on the world. . .It gave me lots of tools and models that I didn't have before which will help me navigate through life."


Navigate Alumni

I enjoyed being able to learn how to put myself 'out there' and not be afraid to be the first to speak up. I also gained valuable, possibly lifetime long, friendships."


Navigate Alumnus

I think that Navigate impacted me in more ways than I ever expected. I was expecting to be given some algorithm for making hard choices, and to learn aaaaall about the Questions-Based Paradigm, which we had heard Mr. Jonathan talk about at a homeschool conference. But there was so much more than that, and yet at the same time Mr. Jonathan and Victoria kept it so simple! Life is a challenge, but you can break it down into the everyday by being Extraordinary at the Ordinary and loving the people around you second only to God. You've got this. But even more importantly, God's got this. So go live your adventure of a life and follow God wherever he takes you. I can't wait to start Equip this fall!"


Navigate Alumni

Navigate did impact me in a great way:

1. I got to make new friends that share some of the same beliefs that I have, who are in the same life stage as I am in, and who are asking questions that I have asked!
2. I learned new things that I will use and can use for the rest of my life!
3. I have a new outlook on things such as being extraordinary at the ordinary, learning how to move forward with decisions, and where I fit in personally and in a team!
4. I now have the peace that if I love God, love my neighbors, and be extraordinary at the ordinary, I will have a successful life and nothing else really matters!'"


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate impacted me very much! It gave me helpful tools to move forward, a better perspective of how I should view my life and career. It's pushed me to explore and take action in my interests and has taught me how to live a life that can be extraordinary."


Navigate Alumni

Navigate showed me that no matter where I’m at, I can do one thing: Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. It reminded me of our purpose as humans on earth, and that we can live that purpose out every day. And if we don’t do anything else—if we don’t have any other successes or achievements—we can rest in the fact that we’ve completed God’s will in creating us. We have touched the lives of other people through how we live day by day."


Navigate Alumnus

I have enjoyed taking this class and having the opportunity to dive deeper into the Navigate principles and models that gave me better understanding and direction in my life. Through this class, I found peace of mind knowing I have time. I do not need to know all the answers or have everything all figured out. Moving forward, I will take what I have learned in this course and focus on gaining skills and experiences that will propel me toward and strive to keep on being extraordinary at the ordinary!"


Navigate Alumnus

Navigate impacted me through focusing on my core relationship with God and to pursue life at the fullest through different skills and experiences."


Navigate Alumni

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