Equip 9th Grade Group Selection Form
Student Name
Student Email
Which email address would you like all student communication to go to?
Parent Name
Which parent would you like to be cc'd on Equip emails and student communication?
Parent Email
Which parent email address would you like communication to be cc'd on?
9th Grade Groups
Group 1 (Thursday 9-11am EST, first session 9/1)
Group 2 (Friday 3-5pm EST, first session 9/2)
Both groups sound awesome! I'll do either.
Which study group would be your preferred option? Note: first choices are not guaranteed, but will be accommodated to the best of coach/staff ability.
Time Zone
Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Mountain Standard Time (MST)
Central Standard Time (CST)
Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Other (we will contact you for details)
Please select your time zone.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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