Title: Admissions Counselor Job Description: An Admissions Counselor has conversations with potential students and their families by appointment to continue their education about Unbound, learn more about their unique situation, and qualify them for enrollment in the Ascend, Explore, or Equip programs or the Navigate course so that the student can be equipped with the experiences, skills, and knowledge they need to launch into whatever is next for them with confidence and excellence. Day-to-Day: An Admissions Counselor’s day-to-day responsibilities include, but are not limited to, calling leads for scheduled appointments, taking detailed notes for each appointment in our CRM, creating and completing follow-up tasks to move leads through the pipeline, and ultimately closing deals for Ascend and Navigate. It will also include cold calling leads who have requested more information about Unbound and scheduling appointments with them over the phone. Time & Pay This is a commission based position with a base that includes event registration and travel for APEX in August 2022. The bulk of your salary will be solely determined by the number of students you enroll in Ascend, Equip, Explore, and Navigate. You will receive 15% commission on each Navigate enrollment and 3% commission on each Ascend, Equip, and Explore enrollment. This is a 15-30 hour/week position. However, the position is not locked into those hours. If you are hitting enrollment goals in less hours or need to work more, that will be unique to your situation and heavily based on the time of year.