Looking for a way to make your inbox a better, more inspiring place to be?
We’re here to help.
Here’s the deal: we love bragging about our students. We think they’re some of the most exceptional young adults on the planet and anyone who meets them will be better for it. (Are we biased? Maybe a little. But we also have proof that they’re amazing so we’re pretty confident in our opinion. 😉)
Every Monday morning from now till who-knows-when we’re sending a new student or alumni story to inboxes just like yours. Subscribe and make your inbox a much better place to be every Monday morning.
No one likes spam mail. And in today’s world, you just never know which form on the internet will land you with non-stop emails about a million and one things you aren’t interested in. This form is not one of those forms. Submitting this form will get you a new student or alumni story once a week on Monday morning. And that’s it. Unless you tell us you want more or have already told us you want more, you won’t get more. End of story.