Will Going to College Actually Set Your Student Back? April 19, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith For years, college has been regarded as the stepping stone to a great career, a higher salary, and a fulfilling life. It’s been marketed as the threshold of the American…Continue readingWill Going to College Actually Set Your Student Back?
Your Student Can Find Meaningful Work April 5, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith Is your student frustrated about finding meaningful work? In our culture today, young adults are told that they can be anything they want to be. But they never hear how.…Continue readingYour Student <i>Can</i> Find Meaningful Work
How Servant Leadership Empowers Young Adults to Be People of Influence March 29, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith You’ve probably heard the term “servant leadership” before. It’s a model of leadership that places more emphasis on service than on top-down authority. It’s based on distinctly Christian principles. Leadership…Continue readingHow Servant Leadership Empowers Young Adults to Be People of Influence
Cornell’s New Policy to Fight Student Burnout: Is It Effective? March 22, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith News came out recently that Cornell University is lowering its maximum credits per semester for engineering students in an effort to support student’s mental health and decrease student burnout. The…Continue readingCornell’s New Policy to Fight Student Burnout: Is It Effective?
Failure Is An Option March 15, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith I’ll start this off with a question: do you think you learn better from success or from failure? We all love the idea of success. In fact, our culture is…Continue readingFailure Is An Option
Here Are 5 College Alternatives to Traditional Higher Education That Move Students Forward For Less March 9, 2022November 11, 2022Ellie Smith College alternatives to traditional higher education are numerous. Let’s examine just a handful of them. A generation or two ago it was unheard of to not go to college if…Continue readingHere Are 5 College Alternatives to Traditional Higher Education That Move Students Forward For Less