Extraordinary at the Ordinary: Isabella’s Ascend Story

Throughout my childhood and high school experience, I never considered college because I knew it wasn’t right for me. College, to me, seems to be a waste of money, time, and a breeding ground for a depreciation of morals. Not only this, but college also is something that is expected; it’s normal, and I refuse to comply with the idea of being “normal.” Higher education was never an experience I considered worthy of pursuit because of the misalignment between my strong morals as a follower of Jesus Christ and the life of an average college student. I curbed any idea of furthering my love of learning because college seemed to be the only option to do so. In doing this, I settled for simply doing whatever I could to establish a career, but I felt severely unprepared for it. Either way, I believed I was stuck. This mindset lasted until the first semester of my senior year of high school when I read an email that, quite truthfully, changed my life. 

I have been homeschooled my entire life, and My Father’s World was our curriculum of choice. As I entered my senior year, My Father’s World sent a promotional email to my mother to inform her of a wonderful opportunity for her student. Naturally, my mother read a bit about this opportunity and thought I might be interested. She was right, of course, and as I read about Ascend, I began to see a perfect blend of education, individuality, and excellence. I thought, This is different. I like that. In the fall of 2023, I started to seriously consider the fact that I could do college, but I would do it differently than the average person. Ascend’s unique and Christian-based approach to education eventually won me over, and I enrolled that November and awaited my first event.

One of Ascend’s biggest selling points for me was the option to travel. I am an adventurous spirit and love to explore new things, and being able to travel was a huge benefit on top of receiving a culture-reforming education. The events Ascend students have the privilege of attending are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Every time, I am hit with ideas which bring a new perspective to my life, and I am given practical tools to add meaning and value to what I do. The events are demanding in mind and spirit, and they connect the student body in multi-level ways. The students depend on each other to complete fun challenges and are also able to expand their learning by discussing profound ideas and push each other to big goals. This teamwork and dependability have become a huge part of the transformative nature of the Ascend community. 

When reading about Ascend, I had instantly become curious about the “amazing online community” it offered. How could an online community be amazing? Would I even feel connected to these people? Traveling to my first APEX, so many thoughts flew through my head. There I was flying by myself for the first time to meet a bunch of people I didn’t know to join something I had only read about. I had no idea what to expect, but after the initial shock from the sheer size of the community wore off, I started to mingle. Never had I met so many people who had connected with me on that kind of level before, and I was blown away by the standard of excellence amongst the entire group. In a world that promotes and applauds the bare minimum, Ascend is full of young adults who refuse to conform to low expectations. As someone who feels responsible in my role as a citizen and a follower of Christ, I am compelled to be an example amongst everyone. The program inspires its students to take charge of their lives and do something meaningful now, not later. The community contains people from various backgrounds who are all connected by their dedication to being extraordinary. Finding an education program that speaks directly to a core value of mine within that many people is something that I think is truly special. These people are dedicated and transforming the average person’s perception of what it means to really live. 

Being involved in the community for well over a year at this point, I can testify that despite my serious doubts an online community could be so fruitful, I am happy to say that the connections I have made through Ascend have been some of my greatest relationships. As the community is committed to excellence, there is also commitment to relationship, and this carries throughout all the teachings in Ascend as well! I was shocked that someone could be so involved in an online community, but as an Ascend student, I now see it’s not a contradiction but a telltale sign of Ascend’s intentional people. 

One of the biggest reasons Ascend’s community is so exceptional is the emphasis placed on teams. Teams are the lifeblood of your Ascend experience, and your teammates become some of your biggest supporters and, more often than not, your closest friends. When I joined my first team, I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I would be meeting people from a variety of backgrounds and had a unique opportunity to connect with them personally. Over the year, I was able to do just that. I encouraged my teammates in some of their most trying times, and I grew to know and love them as a second family. I leaned on them in my own struggles because I knew wholeheartedly they would be there for me. One’s Ascend team showcases his or her character and how that character interlays with others, and through these unique individuals, incredible bonds and relationships are formed because of their differences. A team’s culture is radically shaped by those who participate, and you’ll gain what you put in. I can truthfully say that investing in relationships, specifically those in your Ascend team, is one of the most worthwhile things you can do if you join Ascend. 

Ascend has transformed the way I view my relationships, my capabilities as an adult, and my responsibility as a Christian. I hold people in a much more wholesome light than before my time in the program. Through the Ascend community and the culture-defying lessons it promotes, I have learned that people are not just other beings surrounding me, but they are people God works in and through in everything. They are special and not to be taken for granted because relationships are the treasures God has given us to become fully invested in. Managing relationships are a prominent part of adulthood alongside managing time, talents, and tasks. I have grown (and continue to grow) exponentially in all these facets because I have been given tools to redirect my thinking and organize my abilities to maximize productivity. The program has readied me to handle fast-paced changes and to use a good attitude to work through the problems I face. In all these areas, I have “ascended” to assume a higher responsibility in the way I view life as a Christian. I have learned that life has been designed to be lived with intentionality in all aspects. That intentionality can be a testament of one’s faith by doing regular things with a mission of glorifying God. In short, “be extraordinary at the ordinary.” This philosophy inspires me to live life to the fullest for the glory of God, and even if I live an ordinary life, it can still be quite extraordinary. 

Want to learn more about Ascend and see if it’s the right fit for your student? Schedule a call with the Unbound team today!