This post was originally published on The Road to Brave ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus — just to take Him at His wordJust to rest upon His promise…Continue readingBrave Enough to Trust
This post was originally published on The Road to Brave The mist rolled in almost without warning, drifting in waves up over the hills and across the road. From my…Continue readingBrave Enough to Change
If hope was something that existed whether we felt it or not, if hope was actually a foundational reality — that would change things.…Continue readingBrave Enough to Hope
…maybe, being image-bearers of the God who is love means loving despite the fact that we’ll all hurt along the way.…Continue readingBrave Enough to Hurt
Jumping means we have to trust our futures to God. It means that we have to decide, Yes, I will trust You with every corner……Continue readingBrave Enough to Jump