Learn what it takes to be a part-time or full-time professional writer

Receive personalized feedback from a professional writing mentor and publishing coach


Monetize Your Creative Interests

How do you find the way from “writing dream” to “writing reality” when every journey is different? What should YOUR road be from hobby-writing to career-writing?


Monetize Your Creative Interests

Every would-be writer has wondered, how do you find the way from “writing dream” to “writing reality” when every journey is different. What should YOUR road be from hobby-writing to career-writing? 


How Does it Work?

Coaching & Mentorship

Learn from real-world writing experts, agents, publishers, and award-winning authors. Work under a professional writing mentor and publishing coach to learn the nuances of how to identify and write for your audience, the financial side of writing and how to make a living. . .
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. . .methods of publication, and more! Develop skills, tools, and a roadmap for your writing career while also polishing aspects of craft and apply what you learn by creating a business plan in the form of a written proposal, which will prepare you for either self or traditional publishing.

Live Event

All Writing Track members are invited to a five-day live event in early 2025 where they will have the opportunity to learn live from their Instructor while participating in active writing projects! This event will take place in Florida in late January or early February 2025 (exact location and dates TBA). . .
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Discounted event registration rates to be announced; early enrollment typically averages $450.

Time Commitment

The Ascend Writing Track is a 10-month program. With writing homework, this track requires an average of 5–10 hours of work per week. You should expect to spend 1–2 hours a week learning new content (including live instructor-led meetings) and around 4-8 hours a week working on your craft. Except for live instructor-led calls approximately twice per month. . .
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. . .you’ll have full flexibility in when and how you study throughout the weeks. You can be an early-morning, mid-day, or late-night writer—or all three, depending on YOUR schedule. Assignments will be submitted every 1–2 weeks.



Group discounts are available for writing or critique groups of three or more individuals.
Please contact
[email protected] for more information. Tuition is payable in one or multiple installments.


Ends April 31st


Ends June 30th


Ends July 31st